

Aim to ensure the maximum security against the international spread of diseases, with the minimum interference with world traffic and trade. This includes the measures to be adopted for preparedness and response during a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) or in a situation which might lead to a PHEIC.

  • Vision

    Country free of international spread of diseases.

  • Mission

    Effectively protecting, preventing and controlling of possible entry of diseases or an event with public health risks to Sri Lanka without causing significant disturbance to international traffic and trade.



Administration of port and airport health offices and a international vaccination center

Function as a co-focal point in IHR implementation

Coordinating IHR activities in the country

Stakeholder in migration health unit


Core Capacities

National Legislations

  • The assessment and revision of legislation related to facilitate the implementation of IHR.
  • Introduction of Migration Health policy.
  • Publication of all IHR related legislations and policies.

Coordination and National Focal Point Communications

  • Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for coordination between IHRNFP and relevant sectors.
  • Develop multi-sectoral, multidisciplinary committee or taskforce to addressing IHR related issues.
  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of relevant authorities and stakeholders in regard to IHR implementation.
  • Establish IHR website or webpage.


  • Introduction of national level country wide web-based disease surveillance system.
  • Develop a mechanism to share data on surveillance and the control of public health events of international concern with neighbouring countries.


  • Establishment of district level Rapid Response Teams (RRTs) to respond to events that may constitute a public health emergency.
  • Evaluation and update the emergency response management procedures after a real or simulated public health response.
  • Development of business contingency plans for all the key service sectors.
  • Development of monitoring/surveillance system for antimicrobial resistance.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of infection control measures.

Risk Communication

  • Update risk communication plan.
  • Conduct risk communication training for Public health staff.

Human Resource Capacity

  • Conduct needs assessment to identify gaps in human resources and training to meet IHR requirements.
  • Ensure minimum required trained personals will be in place to meet IHR requirements.


  • Strengthen national laboratory capacity to meet diagnostic and confirmatory laboratory requirements for priority diseases.
  • Increase access to networks of international laboratories to meet diagnostic and confirmatory laboratory requirements.
  • Strengthen the laboratory surveillance system.

Points of Entry

  • Conduct needs assessment to identify gaps in human resources, training and logistics at points of entry.
  • Ensure minimum required trained personals, and logistics will be in place to meet IHR requirements at points of entry.
  • Improve screening facilities at points of entry.